Monday, April 13, 2009

Rail Tails from Richmond

Some time ago I arrived in Richmond, Indiana to seek out interesting subjects. I was taken by the spark of color in this small rail yard. From the red barrels, the classic Purina checkerboard, to the green box car, I found my spot. Notice the foreground rails lead into the center of the sketch, right up to the yellow trimmed platform and the rusty barrel. Your eye moves from the foreground rails into the center and over to the Purina tower providing compositional balance and movement.

Below is a detail of overlapping marker colors that add texture. Permanent markers can give a watercolor effect when lighter or neutral colors are laid on top of one another. Be careful not to overdo it and bring every single color. A good complement of earth tones, grays, a couple of blues, a red and yellow should do until you get back home. Something that fits into a small zippered vinyl or leather case, not unlike one a banker might use, is ideal. A digital camera is a good idea if your time is a premium. Viewing later on the LCD screen probably is sufficient as a reminder of color or an important detail.

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