Friday, April 24, 2009

Converging Steel

Very chilly and windy when I sketched this in downtown Muncie, Indiana, so I stayed in my mobile studio (VW). Muncie was once a hotbed of New York Central rail traffic and for some annoyed motorists it still is today, though under a different logo. Double-track main line for CSX and two converging Norfolk Southern lines is the reason. One NSRR line heads west to Frankfort, Indiana, site of my earlier posts on 19 March.

The communication poles, rail signals and converging tracks attracted my attention. Then I noticed an old freight depot in the distance right in the middle of the scene. The old New York Central depot once stood behind the tree. You will have to go to (conveniently located 60 miles away) Indianapolis if you want a rail ticket, however. Another Muncie depot thrives on the former Chesapeake & Ohio line, but no rail ticket there either. It has been completely restored and houses an office for the Muncie Cardinal Greenway rail-trail system.

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