Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Foggy Christmas Morning, 1949

This is the first of four pencil drawings I will post. The drawings help illustrate a story for a gift book entitled, “Christmas Morning with Strangers.” It is an inspirational, true story about a light plane crash on a foggy Christmas morning in 1949 involving a young, expectant, married couple, their pilot uncle, and the hospitality of a nearby family. Thankfully, everyone survived the crash. Ironically, the author of this story is today an experienced pilot and his mother was 9 months pregnant with him as the story opens.

First up, today, is the arrival of the plane at the couple’s Oklahoma farm on that foggy morning. The plane has been parked and awaits its journey. The anticipation of being with family for Christmas overrules any logical fear of flying in dense fog. Typical of the era, a grass taxiway and dirt road were their catapult to the air.

The drawings retain more detail than the foggy conditions would have provided. In reality, a blank canvas might have been more accurate. But the author and I did not want to lose the story’s content.

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