Thursday, June 27, 2013

Completed web banner design

A recently completed banner design for with the charge to tell the recycling story from beginning to product thru eventual recycling. This was composed using original and modified existing artwork.

Banner design proposals

Wanted was a simple, eye-catching design for a roll-up banner design for the Young Engineers of Western Australia (YEWA). These proposals suggest two options for a tagline under their current logo symbol. The gray lines suggest an engineer's drafting lines. I received a first place award on the design at left.

Logo proposal

One of several logo proposals for a funeral services company in small town America. Working colors specified are black and gray with Taylor being the dominate name.

Architectural home logo proposal

A design proposal for a home design company specializing in modern, modular designs Nationally and Internationally. Their homes can be constructed quickly, seemingly automatically. My concept is one a several proposed based around their suggested colors and home design architecture.

Current design proposals

First in a series of current design proposals I wanted to post. This one for bike shop in Indiana. I assume you will recognize the original logo and my adjacent initial design. My intent was not to change the elements within the logo but rather, update them. The elements represent two common services provided and the shield is significant because the shop is located just off the and a major highway. Owned and operated by a highly qualified mechanic and overall cycling guru, it deserves a logo to better match the service provided. As it is a work in progress, look for a final design in the coming weeks.