Sunday, October 25, 2009

10.25.92 week in revue

The world news this week centered on the revenge of the Muslim guerrillas attacks. Another touchy set-back for Mideast peace talks. In a follow up to my August 23 post, a Somalia airlift plane was fired upon but there were no injuries.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

10.18.92 week in revue

Finding some large images help fill the week’s revue. As the 1992 election draws closer, Bush looks a bit distressed. And he was never invited to play the saxophone. Pat Robertson blurted his thoughts on the Equal Rights Amendment as women scream in terror.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

10.11.92 week in revue

Scrambling around to find headlines for this week was a challenge and it shows with this less than stellar subject matter. A major quake in Egypt dominated the news, however. Ross Perot and his charts will not go away, despite his withdrawal from the Presidency. For the record, nothing was implied with the close proximity of the Super Chief and Perot. Concorde, a true aviation icon, never made any money doing what it did best. Setting records. The aircraft were retired after nearly 30 years service in November, 2003.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

10.04.92 week in revue

Back in 1992, President Bush vetoes a bill that would regulate cable prices, saying it benefited special interests rather than the public. The IRA terrorist bombings continue on a regular basis during this week and into the next. Old Boeings go boing as some engines land before the fuselage. And a quiet week in Lake Wobegon according to Garrison Keillor.